
Thursday, April 25, 2019

Budget analysis assignment Ctiy of Lebanon Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Budget analysis Ctiy of Lebanon - Assignment archetypeThe process of managing the mo give the sackary statements includes the design, implementation, and the maintenance of the internal control that has relevance during preparation and fair presentation of the fiscal statements. The financial statements need to be free from any material mistreatment, irrespective of error or fraud.In June 30, 2014, the total net position of the Lebanon City did amount to $44,799,068. Pert of this amount, $27,614,924 was subject to invest in the detonator assets, which was net of the related to debt. The remaining balance that was including of $9,449,690 was subject to restrict for various purposes, and the remaining $7,734,454 was of the unrestricted net position.The basic financial statement of the Lebanon City comprises three components. These are government-wide financial statements, the fund financial statements, and notes to the financial statements. The government-wide financial statements are with the design of providing readers with the broad overview of the Citys finances through a means that is similar to the private-sector business. The over time increase or the decreases in the net position may be useful tools for indicating whether the Citys financial position is on the improving or the deteriorating track. The business-type of activities that the City engages in may include water, sewer, and the storm drainage services. The fund financial statements are with the design of demonstrating the compliance with the related finance legal requirements while overseeing the use of fund accounting. All of the funds of the Lebanon City can be subject to divide to three categories, namely the governmental funds, property funds, and the fiduciary funds.Just as prior mentioned, the net position may be helpful at serving over time as being the useful indicator when it comes to the Citys financial position. The total assets of the

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